Republic of the Philippines
Call for Accreditation as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Provider for all Government Agencies
Posted on 31 July, 2017

Manila, July 31, 2017 – Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No. 07, Series of 2017 and Section 13, Article II of Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the “Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016”, the Professional Regulation Commission calls all government agencies including state universities and colleges and government owned and controlled corporations to apply for accreditation as CPD provider and have their programs accredited by the CPD Councils concerned in order to assure that all professionals employed therein can earn CPD credit units without cost to the CPD Provider and the professionals. No accreditation fee shall be paid by the provider applicants.


The following shall be the governing procedures for accreditation:


1. The applicant shall submit all the documentary requirements for accreditation as CPD provider provided in the Resolution No. 1032, S. 2017 or the Implementing Rules and Regulation of R.A. No. 10912 and the Operation Guidelines in the implementation of R.A. 10912 of the concerned profession.

2. Upon the approval of the application for accreditation as a CPD Provider, a Certificate of Accreditation shall be given to the applicant.

3. The Accredited CPD Provider shall apply for the accreditation of its program/s to the CPD Council at least forty five (45) days prior to its offering.

4. If a program shall be offered to multiple professions, the program shall be applied to all concerned CPD Councils.

5. After the approval of the program by the CPD Council, provisional credit units will be assigned to the program.

6. The CPD Council shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of the CPD Programs.

7. After the submission of the Monitor’s Report and the CPD Provider’s Completion Report, the CPD Council shall conduct a post evaluation of the program and shall grant appropriate CPD Credit Units.

8. A Certificate of Accreditation of Program shall be given to the CPD Provider.

In the event that the program will be offered for a fee to professionals not employed by the said agency, SUC or GOCC, PRC will require the said applicant to pay the prescribed fee of P1,000.00 for the accreditation of the program.

However, the Commission gives some special consideration to defer the application for CPD units for justifiable reasons such as: medical reason, unforeseen or uncontrolled events (e.g. Martial Law declaration, recent typhoon, fire, et. al.), professionals working overseas, for employment purposes, unemployed or financially handicapped and other analogous circumstances as may be determined to be justifiable by the Regional Director concerned.

With the passage of R.A. No. 10912, PRC enjoins all government agencies to work together in order to attain its primary objective to enhance the professional knowledge and technical skills of the professionals to be globally competitive.

For further inquiries regarding this matter, please contact the CPD Secretariat, through Dr. Maria Ellen Ruditha A. Quinicio, DPA at 310 – 1048 or