Electronics Engineer and Technicians Licensure Examination October 2016
Manila, October 12, 2016 --- The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) together with the Board of Electronics Engineering will conduct the Board Licensure Examination for Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians in Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Lucena. The Licensure Examination for Electronics Engineers will be on October 15 (Saturday) & 16 (Sunday) 2016 to four thousand seven hundred fifty five (4,755) examinees. While the Licensure Examination for Electronics Technicians will be on October 17, 2016 (Monday) with three thousand seven hundred seven (3,707) examinees.
Room assignments will be posted HERE one or two days before the first day of examination. Visiting the assigned school/building for environment and transport familiarization is recommended. Examinees are advised to report at their designated rooms before 6:30 in the morning. Late examinees will not be admitted to take the Examination.
On examination day, please bring your Notice of Admission (NOA), Official Receipt, pencils no. 1 or 2, black ballpen, metered-stamped window mailing envelope, long brown and long plastic envelopes. Examinees must follow the prescribed dress code which includes wearing a uniform or a white shirt or polo shirt with decent pants.
Prohibited Acts inside the Examination Room and corresponding penalties may be viewed on this LINK.