Republic of the Philippines
Oath Taking Ceremonies of New Professional Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics
Posted on 23 November, 2016

Oath Taking Ceremonies of New Professional Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics


Manila, November 23, 2016 - The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) held its annual Oath taking Ceremony for New Professional Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics held at Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) – Plenary Hall last November 5, 2016. There were more than a seven hundred inductees in the said event. The September 2016 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination and Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination has yielded 3,110 passers for Mechanical Engineering and 40 passers for the Certified Plant Mechanics.


On behalf of Commissioner Yolanda D. Reyes, Hon. Jesus M. Redelosa, Chairman of the Professional Regulatory Board of Mechanical Engineering read the Guest of Honor’s message to the inductees, describing that Filipino Engineers are known for their “dependability, discipline, resourcefulness and competence” all over the world and what makes this generation of mechanical engineers unique is that our “competitiveness will be put to test in the global arena with the Philippines joining the ASEAN Economic Community, providing better access to work opportunities through cross – mobility with their respective credentials”.

Hon. Jesus M. Redelosa, in his speech, also reminded the new Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics that “You are entitled to uphold the standards of Advance level Engineers prescribed a professional experience in a competent and ethical manner and as sir Winston Churchill once said “Success is never final. Failure is never fatal and that Courage is what counts”.