Republic of the Philippines
Online Application System Makes it to Lucena on Last Day of Nurse Application Period
Posted on 18 May, 2012

PRC Lucena made it to the last day of the application period for the Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) with flying colors, processing 180 applications on the first day of the deployment of the Online Application System (OAS) on May 17, 2012. The launching of the OAS in Region 4 marked the completion of the OAS pilot testing and deployment in all 10 regional PRC offices and the central office.

Some 50 nursing graduates of the Sacred Heart College in Lucena likewise successfully applied to the NLE, right at their college as part of the mobile processing initiatives of the PRC office in Region 4. Deans of other nursing colleges and universities in Lucena attended the orientation and formal launching ceremony at the Sacred Heart College.

Photos below show Dir. Amelia Empaynado with the first ever applicant at the PRC-Lucena office, and the nursing graduates of the Sacred Heart College.

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