Republic of the Philippines
PRC’s Client Feedback Mechanism Now Accessible Online
Posted on 12 October, 2020

The value of clients’ feedback plays a critical driver in performance improvements both for the organization and its personnel. The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), with its desire to virtually track and monitor the quality of frontline services being delivered unfolds a digital solution for its client relationship management and support through its newly developed system, the “Client Relationship Management System (CRMS)”.

This e-feedback mechanism allows the clients to electronically submit service requests and feedback on the services they received from various PRC offices. With this newly developed system, PRC clients can now rate a service anytime, seven days a week (24/7), and at the same time, raise a concern anytime during weekdays at the comfort of their digital devices.

With the end goal of improving the organization’s performance and sustaining quality services, the CRMS is expected to provide an accurate and reliable system of clients' feedback reporting, which can be utilized in management planning and decision making.

While this PRC’s initiative concretizes the government's aim to streamline the current procedural systems and to promote the Zero-Contact Policy in government processes, it likewise demonstrates the PRC’s ability to digitally adapt to the “new normal” while continuously providing effective positive client relationships.