PRC to implement e-PIC Policy
Manila, Philippines – Good news for the transacting professionals, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has recently approved the e-PIC policy through PRC Resolution No.1610, series of 2023.
Under this new policy, professionals renewing their Professional Identification Card (PIC) will now be able to view and print the electronic copy of their PIC. Same as the physical copy, the electronic copy of the PIC shall be honored and accepted as a valid government-issued identification document of the professional for his or her transactions in all government agencies, local government units, government-owned and controlled corporations, government financial institutions, and private sectors subject to authentication and verification through the LERIS Online ( profile and/or by scanning the bar code via the PRC Online Verification System Check ( In addition, the e-PIC and the physical copy of the PIC shall have the same validity period without additional cost to be incurred other than the renewal fee.
The e-PIC is not a substitute for the physical PIC as both can be presented as proof of identification, anytime and anywhere.
The e-PIC policy will be immediately implemented upon completion of its required publication. All concerned entities in the government and the private sector will be advised to accept the e-PIC as proof of identity once full implementation is deployed.
With the PRC’s thrust to automate its processes and to alleviate gaps in the procurement of supplies necessary in the delivery of its services, this e-policy will enable the professionals to instantaneously utilize the renewed PIC through the e-PIC in just a matter of minutes, while the printing of the physical copy is being processed.
Indeed, with the target implementation of the e-PIC policy early this 1st quarter of the year, this paves the way for PRC in supporting one of the established 2023 socio-economic agenda of the present administration, towards an enhanced digital economy and public services.
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