Republic of the Philippines
PRC participates in the 106th ASEAN CCS and its Related Meetings
Posted on 21 March, 2024

Bandung, Indonesia. From 26 February to 1 March 2024, the Philippine Delegation from the Professional Regulation Commission participated in the recently conducted 106th ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS) and Related Meetings, held in Bandung, Indonesia.

The Business Services Sectoral Working Group (BSSWG) led by the Honorable Commissioner, Erwin M. Enad was joined by the concerned Professional Regulatory Boards (PRB) from the Engineering Cluster: Hon. Leandro A. Conti, Chairperson, PRB of Mechanical Engineering; Hon. Enrico Claro R. Delmoro, Member, PRB of Electronics Engineering; and Hon. Concordio D. Zuñiga, Member, PRB of Geodetic Engineering; Technology Cluster: Hon. Robert S. Sac, Chairperson, PRB of Architecture; and from the Business, Education, and Social Cluster: Hon. Noe G. Quiñanola, Chairperson, PRB of Accountancy.

It was noted in the CCS meeting that the three (3) Mutual Recognition Arrangements (engineering, architecture, and accountancy) have completed the task of establishing the ASEAN professional registration and are currently in the implementation phase to facilitate the mobility of ASEAN professionals. Additionally, the Philippines highlighted that there have been some bilateral discussions with other AMS discussing the issue of mobility. Specifically, for architectural services, the domestic law of the Philippines has allowed room to facilitate the mobility of architecture professionals with other AMS on a reciprocal basis.

All AMS expressed that BSSWG is still relevant as a platform for discussion and sharing experiences among the 4 MRAs (engineering, architecture, accountancy, and surveying). On the other hand, the Health Services Sectoral Working Group (HSSWG) led by the Honorable Zenaida L. Antonio, Chairperson, PRB of Medicine attended the CCS together with Hon. Eleanor B. Almoro, Member, PRB of Medicine; and Hon. Elsie A. Tee, Chairperson, PRB of Nursing. Whereas, Hon. Merlin A. Go, Officer-in-Charge, PRB of Dentistry together with its Members, Hon. Melinda L. Garcia, Hon. Carlito D. Paragas, Hon. Rodolfo R. Drapete, and Hon. Gloria M. Bumanlag attended virtually.

HSSWG highlighted the importance of digital transformation in healthcare services and suggested that this matter be included as one of the HSSWG activities for Post-2025. HSSWG appreciated the efforts of the ASEAN Joint Coordinating Committee on Nursing (AJCCN), ASEAN Joint Coordinating Committee on Medical Practitioners (AJCCM), and ASEAN Joint Coordinating Committee on Dental Practitioners (AJCCD) in formulating the plans to complete their respective Work Plan until 2025 and to undertake self-assessment based on the progress of the respective current Work Plan of the three committees.

The next BSSWG and HSSWG back-to-back Meeting and the 107th CCS Meeting are yet to be announced.